Sellers Guidelines

Welcome to Price in Tanzania, Tanzania’s number one electronics marketplace! To ensure a positive experience for all our users, we’ve put together these guidelines to help you successfully sell your new and used electronic devices. Please read and follow these guidelines to maintain a safe, transparent, and efficient marketplace.



Sellers must be registered users of Price in Tanzania.

All sellers must provide accurate and up-to-date contact information.

Sellers must comply with local laws and regulations regarding the sale of electronic devices.



Accuracy: Ensure that all product descriptions, specifications, and images accurately represent the item being sold. Misleading or incorrect information is prohibited.

Condition: Clearly state whether the item is new, used, refurbished, or for parts only. Be honest about any defects or issues with the item.

Images: Upload high-quality images that show the actual product. Avoid using stock photos unless selling a brand new item still in its packaging.

Pricing: Set a fair and competitive price. Sellers are encouraged to research similar listings on Price in Tanzania to determine appropriate pricing.



Sellers must adhere to our Forbidden Items Policy which lists items that are not allowed on Price in Tanzania. These include, but are not limited to, counterfeit goods, stolen items, and hazardous materials.

Selling items that do not comply with this policy may result in the removal of the listing and potential suspension of your account.



All communication between buyers and sellers on Price in Tanzania is conducted through the contact information provided by the seller.

Respond to inquiries from potential buyers promptly and professionally.

Clearly communicate the condition of the item, payment methods, and shipping or pickup arrangements.

Do not engage in any form of harassment, abusive language, or spam.



Price in Tanzania does not facilitate payments between buyers and sellers. All payments should be arranged directly between the buyer and seller through the contact information provided in the listing.

Sellers are responsible for ensuring that payment methods are secure and agreed upon with the buyer.
Avoid accepting payments that seem suspicious or outside of the usual payment methods.


Price in Tanzania may charge fees for listing products and for transactions completed through the website. Users will be informed of these fees at the time of listing.



Shipping Responsibility: As Price in Tanzania does not offer shipping services, it is the seller's responsibility to arrange for the shipping or delivery of the item. Sellers must clearly state in the product listing whether they offer shipping or if the item is for local pickup only.

Shipping Costs: If shipping is offered, the seller should clearly indicate the shipping costs in the listing. Make sure to specify whether the buyer will be responsible for these costs and how they will be calculated.

Timeliness: If the seller agrees to ship the item, it must be done promptly after receiving payment. The seller should provide the buyer with tracking information as soon as the item is shipped.

Packaging: Ensure that items are securely packaged to prevent damage during transit. Proper packaging is essential, especially for delicate electronic devices.

Local Pickup: If the item is only available for local pickup, sellers should arrange a safe and public location for the exchange. Sellers should communicate this clearly in the listing and coordinate with the buyer to agree on a suitable time and place.

Shipping Method: Sellers should use reliable shipping services and ensure that the method chosen matches the buyer's expectations, such as delivery time and service quality.

Buyer Communication: Keep the buyer informed throughout the process, from confirming the shipping details to providing updates on the shipment's status. Clear communication helps build trust and ensures a smooth transaction.



As Price in Tanzania is a buy and sell platform that facilitates connections between buyers and sellers through phone and SMS, the company does not offer a return policy. Sellers are responsible for managing their own return and refund policies.

Clear Policy: If you choose to accept returns, state your return policy clearly in the product listing, including any conditions and timeframes.

Dispute Resolution: If a buyer requests a return, sellers should handle the request promptly and work towards a fair resolution.

Refunds: Process refunds quickly once the item has been returned and inspected, if applicable.



Keep your seller profile up-to-date with accurate contact information. Monitor your listings regularly to ensure they remain accurate and active. Resolve any disputes with buyers promptly and fairly.



Sellers must comply with all Price in Tanzania policies, including those related to prohibited items, payment, and conduct.

Violations of these guidelines may result in warnings, suspension, or permanent banning from the platform.



If you have any questions or encounter issues, please contact our Support Team for assistance. We’re here to help you succeed on Price in Tanzania.

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