Fuel Price in Tanzania (Bei ya Mafuta Tanzania) 2023


The price of fuel in Tanzania has been on the rise in recent months due to a number of factors, including the global increase in oil prices and the depreciation of the Tanzanian shilling. As of This month, the price of petrol is Tsh 3,199 per liter, diesel is Tsh 2,761 per liter, and kerosene is Tsh 2,631 per liter.

Staying updated on fuel prices is crucial for every Tanzanian, as it directly impacts our daily expenses. In this concise article, we’ll provide you with the latest information on fuel prices in Tanzania and some essential insights to navigate this aspect of your budget.

According to the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA), the prices for petroleum products, applicable in Tanzania Mainland, are effective Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 12:01 a.m. In September 2023, retail prices of petroleum products in Dar es Salaam, Tanga, and Mtwara will be as follows

Fuel Price in Tanzania (September) Bei ya Mafuta

Port Petrol (TZS/Litre) Diesel (TZS/Litre) Kerosene (TZS/Litre)
Dar es Salaam 3,080.64 3,126.64 2,812.34
Tanga 2,975.68 2,952.29
Mtwara 3,011.60 3,068.64

Fuel Price in Tanzania (September) Regions in Tanzania

Town Cap Prices
Petrol Diesel Kerosene
Mpimbwe (Majimoto) 3,390 3,436 3,120
Tanganyika (Ikola) 3,388 3,435 3,119
Kigoma 3,375 3,422 3,106
Uvinza (Lugufu) 3,365 3,412 3,096
Muyobozi Village (Uvinza) 3,374 3,420 3,104
llagala Village (Uvinza) 3,376 3,422 3,106
Buhigwe 3,374 3,420 3,104
Kakonko 3,376 3,422 3,106
Kasulu 3,384 3,431 3,115
Kibondo 3,382 3,428 3,112
Kilimanjaro (Moshi) 3,286 3,333 3,017
Hai (Bomang’ombe) 3,290 3,336 3,020
Mwanga 3,279 3,326 3,010
Rombo (Mkuu) 3,307 3,354 3,038
Same 3,273 3,319 3,003
Siha (Sanya Juu) 3,293 3,339 3,024
Lindi 3,272 3,318 3,002
Lindi-Mtama 3,290 3,336 3,020
Kilwa Masoko 3,246 3,293 2,977
Liwale 3,292 3,339 3,023
Nachingwea 3,301 3,347 3,031
Ruangwa 3,302 3,349 3,033
Manyara (Babati) 3,335 3,382 3,066
Hanang (Katesh) 3,346 3,392 3,076
Kiteto (Kibaya) 3,346 3,393 3,077
Mbulu 3,348 3,394 3,078
Simanjiro (Orkasumet) 3,367 3,414 3,098
Mara (Musoma) 3,378 3,425 3,109
Musoma Vijijini (Busekela) 3,391 3,438 3,122
Rorya (Ingirijuu) 3,385 3,432 3,116
Rorya (Shirati) 3,393 3,440 3,124
Bunda 3,370 3,416 3,100
Bunda (Kisorya) 3,382 3,429 3,113
Butiama 3,376 3,422 3,106
Serengeti (Mugumu) 3,387 3,433 3,117
Tarime 3,387 3,434 3,118


Price in Tanzania Blog