If you’re looking for matokeo ya kidato cha pili 2024/2025 form two, this article will help you. Kidato cha pili result for academic year 2024 to 2025 have just been released, and we have all the information you need to know.
Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha Pili 2023/2024 Form Two
Form Two Results 2024/2025. Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) Each subject has an examination format, which describes the structure of the examination paper, and the content in which that particular examination covers. The details of subjects addressed are shown in individual examinations formats that can be accessed in the examination formats link below.
Passing Grades Form Two
The achievement grades will be in the Total Point Grading System or Division. Candidate who did at least 7 subjects for Form Two and Fourth and at least three combination subjects for Form Six will be awarded Grades I, II, III or IV in terms of the overall scope of mark (points) as follows
A candidate who has completed a minimum of seven subjects for Form Two or Four will be considered to have passed with a minimum pass grade Four if he or she passes at least two subjects in Grade D or one subject in Grade A, B or C. In addition, a Form Six candidate who did less The third specialty student will be awarded a lower Grade 4 pass if he or she passes at least two subjects in Grade S or one subject in Grade A, B, C, D and E.
Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha Pili (Form Two)
(NECTA) Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha Pili 2022/2023 Form Two FAQs
How many Student were registered to take the Form 2 exams
According to NECTA a total of 690,341 students were registered to take the Form 2 exams in 2022 - 2023, including 367,013 girls, equal to 53.16 percent and 323,328 boys, equal to 46.84 percent.
How many Student took the test
According to Necta, 635,130 students equal to 92.00 percent of the registered students, took the test, including 342,210 girls (93.24 percent) and 292,920 boys (90.60 percent).
How many student have passed form two exams
A total of 539,645 out of 633,537 students with results which is equal to 85.18 percent have passed by obtaining Grades I, II, III, and IV.
How many boys and Girls passed form two exams
According to Necta, girls are 283,541, equal to 83.05 percent, and boys are 256,104, equal to 87.67 percent. This performance, however, shows a drop compared to the year 2021, where there were 555,857 students who passed, equal to 92.32 percent.
Matokeo ya kidato cha pili 2023 ketumbeine